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I constantly have to remove the dashed stroke styling that’s applied whenever a variant is created.

I want a feature that allows me to disable this.

I hate hate hate hate the purple border, rounded corners, and padding. Going in manually and bringing things to a 0,0 vertices and removing rounded corners and the dashed line is SO ANNOYING.


I am creating a pretty clean design system with precise color styles and the constant random purple HEX value is quite disrupting

Ability to adjust the variant container border:

  1. Apply a default color from our design system. In our case, we would like to use the same color we are using for documentation and section separators.

  2. Adjust the corner to match the design system corner values

Yes please. Did anyone find how to set the default padding on Variant set containers (not in Auto Layout)? It seems to change but I don’t know how.
