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How neat would it be if you could switch to a code version of interaction functions (conditional, navigate, etc.)?

So, let’s say you’re creating an interaction that has different outputs depending on other variables, typing could save you a lot of time. Rather than selecting an option from the functions list, scrolling through the variables and/or typing the variable name and click the right one.

Especially when, like me, you’re creating a prototype that reuses an interaction from another project. You can of course create a variable collection in your design system/library, but that takes up an entire variable collection slot. Or you can create a separate design library just for this and load its variables in your design project. But what if you can create variables locally with the same name, and because it allows typing, it automatically selects the local variables instead? (or simply copy and paste the function code and paste it, instead of copying the interaction and pasting it onto another component)

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