I think you’re missing the point, everyone here understands how to expose nested instances properties of ONE selected instance but what people are asking is to be able to see the nested properties when selecting MULTIPLE instances of the same component.
came here from a search to find solution to this issue (which it seems does not exist yet).
commenting to keep this thread alive. this issues really nerfs the power of components.
Thank you for pointing that out. It seems I had a misunderstanding. My apology for that. I now fully understand the situation and am currently discussing it with our team. I’ll share if I have more information to share with you.
Thanks again.
Hi all,
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve checked with our internal team that it’s feature limitation due to some technical reasons. Exposed properties of nested components are not available when selecting multiple instances at the moment.
The post title previously included dLAUNCHED], which was incorrect. I have now removed it for clarity. I hope this clears up any confusion.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and our product team will take it into consideration for potential future enhancements!
Hi @y_toku,
I appreciate the rapid feedback.
I think @dvaliao had touched on that point back in October, saying it would cause performance issues.
I think I’m not alone when I say please keep trying to implement this feature. It might not be part of any mainstream workflow but it would greatly simplify the kind of work that I use Figma for.
Thank you!
Well, not sure it’s that “non mainstream” I really think it makes workflow of people using complex design systems and using repetitive instances more tiresome. And I think this is often bigger companies case, which I would guess would be a good client for Figma. So maybe it should still be treated as thing to fix, even if technically difficult. Would be really a relieve to me, too : )
Also: this topic is still marked as “this topic has a solution” in the topics list. Can we remove that ; ) ? Because it’s not really true it’s solved : )
Commenting to keep this thread alive. We just rebuilt our library and now realizing this issue. I’m hoping we won’t need to wait any longer for Figma to add support for this.
+1 on that. Come on Figma!
Variables and components are still so far from good. We need simple fixes like this, not completely new under-baked features
I would like to be able to select several copies of a component and be able to adjust their nested instance properties, simultaneously. It’s possible to adjust the properties of multiple instances of a component, when these properties are “native” to the component. But we cannot interact with the nested instances properties. This means I in some cases have to turn on a nested instance property one product card at a time, which very tedious.
Hi, duplicate of this thread.
Coming up against this in my build for tables and menus. Really bad experience for designers trying to bulk update anything with nested instances (like table columns)
This thread and that one should be merged.
Bump! Desperately need this. This is such a logical use case I had assumed I was doing something wrong with my file, and desperate googling brought me here. Frustrating ☹
@dvaliao can you remove the “solution” here, since this is not fixed and not a solve?
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Thanks, Ian! I removed the marked solution and merged the topics together, as suggested by Antoine.
But just to reiterate, the team is already aware of this feature request, but right now, allowing for this ability would cause major performance issues.
While it’s on their radar, they cannot prioritize it at this time. The team here will keep an eye on votes to gauge how this is affecting the overall community to hopefully vouch and make a better case for prioritization in the future.
+1. It’s very importance if I choose to organize my components with lots of nests.
Please fix this huge gap. It’s so hard to implement design while working on large design systems and their master components.
This is a crucial feature to be able to use nested instances when we select multiple masters
Hey, this is a needed feature! It kind of defeats the purpose of nested properties if you can’t view/edit them when selecting multiple components.
This feature is indeed really necessary and I hope we will get it soon!
I really need this too. I have a component, which is a table composed of columns and data-cells. Each data-cell comp has its properties, so if I need to change all the cells of one column, I have to do it for EACH cell.
It’s really frustrating.
Please take a look here Figma team. 🙏