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What do you think about having a horizontal scroll on the layers panel? I can’t see the name of the layers and usually widen the panel to be able to see, but since I use a 13", this makes the canvas smaller.

+1 for ability to expand the property panel

This needs to be done ASAP, makes the app literally unusable


I would really improve the experience if it was possible to scroll horizontally in the layers panel. With frames and groups within other frames, the layers panel cuts off the underneath layers because of showing the hierarchy (which is nice!).

I then have to resize the layers panel to click the right layer leaving the canvas with minimum space.

Anyone else who needs this?


Can’t agree more

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 7.35.39 PM

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 7.35.39 PM

Can’t agree more

Enabling Horizontal scrollbar in layers panel will be better.

When I am having nested layers in the layer panel to see my layer from the list, I can’t scroll horizontally to view the full layer name.

I’m not convenient to increase the layer panel every time.

Can you fix this experience?

Hi @Manikandan_M ,

Others in the community have requested something similar. I am merging your topic with this one: . Do not hesitate to vote here!

+10000000000 … please optimize this Adobe.

Your suggestion does not factor that I am unable to see what the cursor is hovering over in the layers because it is indented too far for any visible characters.

I would have no clue what I’d be hiding or unhiding.

Using nested controls and nested auto-layouts (which is a more dynamic way to work) is unusable past a certain level of hierarchy.

I can’t believe this hasn’t been implemented yet.


I’m using a layout with multiple layers and want to select the deepest one and hide it or lock it or change the name. The width of the left column does not increase and there is no horizontal scroll bar either.

How do I edit these layers?

Figma interface has two really wide side panels, which is very problematic for smaller screens, like laptops. No working space left and you have to zoom out to be able to see wider layouts.

Figma side panels should be collapsable or adjustable.


Hi @Indre_Mikaviciute ,

This workflow may help you: Page Dividers / Folders / Sub Folders / Group Pages Together - #93 by bear

@Josh Did the dev team really had no second to work on such a basic QoL improvement in the past 2 years? It’s a software breaking issue. Aren’t Little Big Updates made for that?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Instance layer names blank and uneditable

A post was merged into an existing topic: Make Right Panels Larger for Typography & Color

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Make Right Panels Larger for Typography & Color

What’s the deal with the bug that’s been around for two years now? It’s ridiculous that despite so many people reporting it, it still hasn’t been fixed.

This is a UX design app, and we can’t even see the layers – why can’t we horizontal scroll or stretch it to see all the layer names?

This isn’t just a feature request, it’s a legitimate bug that’s affecting our productivity and making the app frustrating to use. Please, can you fix it already?

These are top 10 ideas by votes, we can clearly see what interests people the most here

This does not solve the problem at all. It’s the same thing as collapsing the hierarchical expand/collapse widget… you’re just hiding the nested objects.

The issue (and it’s a big one), is if one uses dynamic nested layouts with “auto-layout” Frames in order to build dynamic mockups — where you can show/hide elements and the UI adjusts in real-time — the indentation grows deeper and deeper as you build your screens.

As illustrated in numerous screenshots above, you get to a point where you are unable to view the structure and/or names of elements in your project. You cannot drag elements through the hierarchical layers because you do not know what you are selecting and/or where you’re dragging & dropping… it is (literally) unusable when creating dynamic layouts using hierarchical auto-layout frames several layers deep.

PLEASE allow the left frame to scroll horizontally…!!!

Reposting this screenshot:

Same issue, content hidden in the layers panel, makes it really hard to work on MacBook only, workaround is to rely on and work with big monitors. I use the layers panel mostly to paste in place using layer panels on artboards I need the same content at the correct frame inside frames.

Same issue as well, with nested components (which is an awesome feature) this has become an increasingly larger issue…

What is going on? One of the app’s most important panels extends in both dimensions, and yet is missing an entire dimension of scrolling. How is this still not addressed after this many years? I hate to make a “I have this problem too” post, but this particular case is just bizarre, considering that this is a paid product with a lot of otherwise superlative attention to detail. It makes me worried that something is deteriorating behind the scenes.


@tank666 what you link to is auto closed and /4325 is missing~!

It’s so frustrating not to be able to change this panel width for these three sections. In Adobe products (ahem) you can. In Slack you can.

Design | Prototype | Inspect

I’ve changed my interface scale to accommodate, the default width of this panel being 218px 8or 240px at full] is not ideal especially working with token names and typography and at hand off too. It’s bewildering.

Understand that some of those boxes within Design are important to remain nested to each other but can this container panel not be extended?

Figma, pls fix it. It is so user unfriendly.
