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What do you think about having a horizontal scroll on the layers panel? I can’t see the name of the layers and usually widen the panel to be able to see, but since I use a 13", this makes the canvas smaller.

Yes, thank you!

This is incredibly important. Especially with auto layouts, you can easily reach a point where it’s virtually impossible to navigate layers. How can a simple horizontal scroll be missing from a tool like Figma? At the very minimum, decrease the indentation for nested layers so we can have a little bit more room…

Same issue here! 🖐️

+1000000 on this one here.

All these new features that dropped a couple of weeks back are great. But not being able to scroll horizontally in the left panel is a real ball ache.

Some on Figma - this really cant be that hard can it?

So this is actually a bug!

There is a max size for the side layers panel as well, so in the screenshot below I CANNOT see my layers no matter what.

I made a hack for this (I won’t promote it here) which adjusts the internal CSS of the property panel. Some things are a bit quirky but overall its a HUGE improvement to be able to see variant properties, text and color styles in their entirety. This makes hand-off so much smoother as others have mentioned.

It would be great to hear an official response from Figma on this, and ideally some roadmap commitment (new features are great, but a rock solid foundation, like accessible properties, is absolutely critical).

There’s currently no workaround for this (as far as I’m aware?). I’m also managing large design systems and need to see many nested layers deep.

Tooltips on the layers with long titles (the ones with ellipsis), would make my Figma-life som much easier. Outlook has done it in their pc application.


+1 🤦‍♀️

It’s just as easy to do. Why not do it?..


Due to the structure of style hierarchies and labeling practices, it’s rare when an entire style name will be completely visible in this right panel.

And identifying information is usually at the end of the style’s title.

Designers tend to use larger monitors, so screen real estate would generally be ample enough to allow for more text to be shown. (But not always, so expanding the right panel should be possible, but optional.)

Developers don’t need to see as much of the canvas, so being able to expand the right (Inspect) panel makes their job easier, too. They’d be able to see the code more fully without having to copy and paste it somewhere else (just to know it’s the right code they’re after).

This is a major BUG. Making prototype connections to a complex layout is just about impossible.

Ditto. This is literally preventing me from getting work done. 😤

Ditto, really need a horizontal scroll bar here on overflow (or let us expand the panel wider). This is killing my productivity.

Please oh please, add a horizontal scroll bar in the layers panel

This is driving me nuts!

Thank you

As soon as your file grows and contains a lot of layers and nesting, it can become extremely cumbersome to select the right one.

Figma should offer layer search like Sketch.

The layer panel should also scroll horizontally. Right now once you reach a level of nesting layer names are cutoff the panel.

You can do this with a userscript, but it only works on web. 😕

Using the new property features for a component is nice, but the names of the properties get truncated so it is not very usable. Please give us the ability to resize it, and also do any improvements to the way component properties are displayed.

It creates unnecessary mental strain to understand what is occurring on properties.

Hey Figma!

Wouldn’t it be great if when working on smaller screens I could benefit from a horizontal scroll of my indented layers list? Would save me the hassle of having to expand the panel and eat into my already limited canvas space.

From this…

To this can’t be that hard to add in (surely)?

Just a thought 🙂



I’ve just posted the same issue (not knowing this has been highlighted since early 2021).

Come on Figma. This is a basic interaction request surely. Yeah, I get it’s not going to be something with bells and whistles on, but this should be an easy implementation and will probably improve usability no end.

Don’t take it into 2023 😱. Get it done in 2022 at least.

Personally, I’d like to see both a horizontal scroll bar AND tooltips when hovering over any row in the layer’s panel (whether it’s hidden or not).

With both in place it is possible to choose between scrolling sideways - which lets me see the full name of a deeply nested layer at the expense of scrolling the name of layers closer to the hierarchy root out of view on the left - OR just hovering over the row to see the full name - whether it’s a nested layer hidden to the right or an ancestor layer hidden to the left.

Agreed - I’'m totally blocked from doing my job at the moment. I’m literally switching to web app to see if I can hack indent widths with front-end css just to get unblocked…

Agree with this request; our team is running into the same problem. Our component and style names are too long to view without being cut off.

As others have mentioned here, it is primarily a problem when our developers are using Inspect to find style names, and being able to expand the right hand panel would help alleviate this.


We literally can’t see what we are doing! 🫣

Just a scrollbar or an expand interaction. That’s all we ask. It’s not much. Just the ability to scroll left and right. I mean…we just want to SEE.

Hello hello,

with a lot of frames inside each other – things tend to get lost in the hierarchy in the left side layers panel. I would like to be able to scroll horizontally, as i today sometimes have to widen the left side panel A LOT to be able to review the components of the selected frame – leaving me with less workspace.


New to Figma, but in the same boat regarding this issue. To build out a UI “correctly” with frames nested within frames with auto-layout, it is imperative to be able to: a) Allow us to drag the layers panel even wider than currently allowed. I have a 5k monitor and I have plenty of room to still see the canvas. b) Add a horizontal scroll. c) possibly lessen the indent of hierarchical lists (I know that one would be visually challenging). d) “other” that I have not thought of… but I (we) need something! (please)
