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What do you think about having a horizontal scroll on the layers panel? I can’t see the name of the layers and usually widen the panel to be able to see, but since I use a 13", this makes the canvas smaller.

Screw the AI bs, fix this first!!! It’s ridiculous that it’s been 3.5 years, the users have been adamantly telling you what they want, and you guys still haven’t fixed this yet? Come on!

New UI and still no horizontal scroll 😃 amazing, who does UX in Figma team 🤯

You need the team of 30 UX experts and 50 software developers to solve horizontal scroll problem, which is possible to show with one CSS prop - overflow: auto; But one day AI will replace people and we will not need horizontal scroll, so w8 🙂

100%! Well, it’s obvious they prioritize making $$ before their users feedback/request. Their new AI future (and Figma Slides) will incur additional charges. But adding a horizontal scroll doesn’t make them any money.

I generally avoid complaining online, but I genuinely don’t understand why horizontal scrolling hasn’t been added. With the new UI3, the issue has become even more problematic, as clearly shown in the screenshots by @pavel6.

Additionally, 622 votes seem like a significant number of people to demonstrate the need for the ability to see all layers, not to mention hide a layer.

I hope this issue gets addressed soon. If you need a hint, I don’t think anyone expects anything more elaborate than horizontal scrolling, which seems like it would require minimal coding.

That’s because Figma completely lost touch with their userbase a few years ago

It happens at some point for each and every startup, but in the case of Figma it was really early on

Hey All, thank you for your continued feedback!

Using your votes and recent feedback since the rollout of UI3, we were able to advocate for this feature request on your behalf, and we did it! This is officially on the UI3 team’s roadmap - it’s happening! 🙌

Thanks again for your patience and understanding, and keep an eye out on our future releases!

I’ll believe it when I see it- not holding my breath…

Please oh God add this feature! We’re using Auto Layout and complex components in a shared library and can’t view and edit layers properly.

@dvaliao Denise please help us! We have a completely new UI3 but don’t solve a simple scroll issue! I work with tables and grids here and simply need to GUESS which layer I’m clicking. It’s been almost 4 years for a simple request, it’s not possible that no one inside Figma can solve this in a quick afternoon.

So far, a no-show in UI3.

I must admit, I’m fighting a true situational depression right now. My ticket got punched today and I now have access the UI3. Since, in my mind, there is no UI enhancement more important than a horizontal scroll in the layer panel (which I was convinced must be in the new UI), I dove into the new experience with great excitement looking forward to finally being able to access deeply nested layer elements.

Alas, no joy.

So far, I’ve found 2 things about UI3 that seem like progress in the area of User Experience, but it all falls apart when I realize that a horizontal scrolling Layer Panel is not among the changes.

Even more disappointing is the fact that someone published a script block that could be run in the console to create a toggle control that would greatly widen the layer panel. With UI3, that script no longer functions. It wasn’t perfect, but it did allow temporary access to those hard-to-reach places.

Now I don’t even have the workaround.


absolutely agree, please at least give us unlimited horizontal expansion of the menu

its annoying clicking the small hitbox to get a element and even when i could click the element on the canvas i use the layers for that. is this adjustable or fixable.

Why Figma don’t want to do this ? Look so simple and logical.

Give us the option to enlarge this panel !!!

Looking for colors all day long like we do right now (with a extra-small widow panel), is really painfull !!!

Plz help !! I want this !

Guys, we changed to the UI3 and this still hasn’t been solved… It seems so simple to implement a horizontal scroll

I really hope you can add a horizontal scroll bar to the Layers panel. Oh, and by the way, I use Shift + Mouse Wheel for horizontal scrolling a lot, so please don’t remove this shortcut while adding the scroll bar. Thank you 🙏

Please fix this ridiculous sidebar issue.

What’s so hard about adding overflow-x: auto to a sidebar. It’s been almost 4 years. This is a joke.

Hi Team/Designers,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share an idea for enhancing the user experience in the New UI, particularly regarding the visibility of layers in the sidebar.

As we often work with complex structures involving multiple layers nested within one another, the current sidebar can become quite cramped. I suggest implementing an automatic focus feature for the active layer name in the sidebar. This would ensure that the selected layer name fills the width of the sidebar, making it easier to read long names without the need for horizontal scrolling.

Currently, layer names can get truncated to just a couple of characters, which makes it challenging to identify the layers quickly, especially in intricate designs. Additionally, there is no option for manual horizontal scrolling, which further complicates the visibility of full layer names in complex structures. Adding a scroll feature would provide users the flexibility to see the entire name if needed.

Thank you for considering this suggestion! I believe it would greatly enhance our workflow.


Vaibhav Kusalkar

In case of deep nesting, it would be nice to have horizontal scrolling in layers to go to the desired layer that is deep in the structure.

Right now you have to move the mouse cursor to the border of the panel to stretch it. And when you don’t need to focus on layers and need more canvas space, you have to stretch it to a small width again.

So simple horizontal scrolling would improve ux.

It’s hard to scroll through child components in an autolayout. Sometimes expanding the panel helps but sometimes it exceeds beyond that

  1. Keep accidentally clicking on the scroll bar when trying to expand the layers panel and losing my place, super frustrating. (off topic, but same issue for hide/show icon which is next to scroll bar)

  2. The max width is not working for deep layers

  3. Horizontal scroll feels the most natural and temporary here so I don’t have to stretch and unstretch the panel. I’m in and out of a layer quick

Figma please fix this issue. Navigating layers with Auto-Layout has become so tedious, constantly expanding the side-bar is annoying and defeats the purpose of trying to give us more screen real estate with the option minimising each side panel.

Take a leaf out of Webflow’s book when it comes to the layer navigation panel, it’s much more condensed.

100% agreement, even on a LARGE monitor I start feeling the pinch when dealing with very deep and complex mockups. This seems like a no-brainer, plenty of other tools allow this sort of simple horizontal scroll to deal with deep nested layers - please Figma, take care of this.

I would much, MUCH rather have this fixed than any number of AI features.

+1 - Much needed feature!
