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Floating bars with rounded edges are only aesthetically pleasing, but they add an annoying border between the tools and the window, creating annoying elements for the view that peek out from the edges. Lessi is more, remember? You seem to have copied other systems such as Miro or from your own FigJam. Truly, this choice is terrible, adds nothing of value and really worsens concentration and vision. Figma must remain a technical tool, not a video game. It must have the canvas CLEAN, without things popping up here and there from the edges of the windows. This thing doesn’t even look like it was designed by UX/UI professionals who have to work with software. It is really disturbing to work with something like this. Please: go back or at least give (forever) the option to use the old version (which is NETTLY better) with the exact same tools and functionality. Thank you.

Whats also irritating is if you drag an element horizontally you have to drag to the edge of the screen now, not just to the edge of the project frame 😢

This looks great!

Can you test if they are truly docked, by pressing “Shift+R” to show the ruler? The left ruler should appear at the right of Panel 1 just like in the Old Figma UI.


If floating panels are actually “floating,” then I should be able to reposition them: personalize a workspace for working on Banners, with all panels in a strip below my work, or a workspace for Mobile apps where maybe I put all my panels to the same side. Or, have only the Properties visible, and hide the Pages/Layers panel. Current implementation only gives the visual appearance with none of that kind of open-ended functionality.

Otherwise, I could really use the extra pixels, especially when I have to work on Laptop.

They are in this Uncanny Valley of “Floating” but with some “Docked” behaviors.

It affects how I see stuff in the workspace, how I select objects in the workspace, and it even shows the Ruler in the very weird way.

100% agree with this. The floating panels are the most annoying thing about the new design. Just dock them! There’s no advantage having them floating around with dumb corner radius.

I agree. Plus, space is lost to the floating panels’ margins, which matters when working on my MacBook screen.

Hey All, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto the UI3 team for future improvement.

Overall, I feel like placement of controls in UI3 makes a lot of sense. One thing that is absolutely driving me nuts is the panel gaps on the left and right panels.

When I’m working on my laptop and not an external screen, it feels like a huge waste of space. If anything the little bit of content that shows between the panels and the edge of the screen makes the entire UI more cluttered.

Please attach/dock the left and right panels so they are flush against the edges of the screen like they were in UI2.

This is a big usability problem I have with floating panels right now. I hope Figma would understand this problem and address it.

At least give the users an option to dock the panels for real.

Hey @Sam_Solomon, thank you for your feedback!

I’m going to merge your post with UI3 Feedback to get more reach.

Medium – 26 Sep 24

Its really hard to find usage for this small paddings, although still interactive, mostly creating noise

I like what Figma have done, their new approach. Just click on the below icon.


This is possible in the old UI too, just press ctrl + \

@Eugene19 I’ve felt the same about the redesign and have voted for this idea too. In the meantime, if it helps, you can switch back to the old UI by clicking on the question mark at the bottom right and selecting “Go back to previous UI”

Yes, but this hides all the panels and they don’t reappear. The nice thing about the toggle icon is that they reappear when being used.

Hey All, thanks again for your feedback and patience!

Fixed panels are back! 🚀

A post was merged into an existing topic: Allow us to move the new UI3 toolbar

Looks like the UI has updated. So much better. @dvaliao @Alan_Bauchop

Thanks for noticing, @Mike_Hone! 🙂
