Hi designers!
Our perceived lightness does not correspond well with the lightness attribute used in HSL and HSV, despite those being the most user-friendly and imaginable color pickers currently around.
LCH is a color model that improves this perception while keeping the usability and imagination as a picker, and it’s currently being rolled out to browsers as we speak, and it completely solves the perceived brightness - for CSS.
I think LCH (or LAB, which is similar) is a game-changer for digital artists and designers, and adding it as a color model to the Figma color picker would save a lot of time discovering colors and iterating on them.
Is anyone else interested in this? Do you know about LCH/LAB? What do you think of it? I have found a LCH plugin that helps the issue but it’s obviously not as useful as adding LCH to the actual picker in Figma.
Very interested in your thoughts.