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For some use cases it would be amazing to have the possibility to group different flows into a folder, currently the alternative is to:

  1. create new empty frames

  2. Turn these frames into flow starting points

  3. Rename them with ------

  4. Reorder to use them as dividers

Yeah definitely

I never reached this amount of flow because, i link all the frames together as a single prototype.

But yeah, it would be great, i think it’s the same problem we have with pages (having folders)

@matteogonzalez I agree this is not the most common scenario, but it happens quite often that stakeholders or POs needs to quickly jump on a specific section of the prototype, and I guess this was the nature of “Flow Starting Points” for quite big prototypes this gets out of hand 😃

I think this could be really useful. I’m finding that doing design handover is made much easier by having a single page with lots of flows, because the rest of the team can then very easily find the specific detail they need to just by looking up the flow in the prototype. I don’t then need to keep sharing new links. I share one link at the start of a project and people can self serve from there as the design matures.

But dividers would make this better. As to OP said, I also create flows called ------------ and use them as dividers, but that’s a hassle, and I’d rather have a folder structure for it (with subfolders etc too please!).
