Fr/Percent units for more control over auto layout content
Although I find the new autolayout UI extremely convoluted and overdesigned, the ‘hug/fill parent’ feature is great. However, It would be immensely helpful to have more control over how the elements fill the parent.
Currently, the only option is for the elements to fill the remaining space, but oftentimes, I need certain elements to take up a certain proportion.
Example: I need element-1 to take up 2fr (~66%) and the rest to take up 1fr (~33%). It would be a game-changer if we could use ‘fr’ units.
Framer does this beautifully and it’s vital for efficient, adaptive layout workflows:
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Just a quick bump on this. It would be SO helpful! Like, genuinely beyond helpful.
From page layout, to progress bars, to slider controls—all of it would benefit huge from % width, height, position in auto-layout. Also, it be such a time saver in the CSS panel. Our engineers have commented often that all of our design work in static pixel values creates more legwork for them.
+1, please!
Please add this, it would be game changing for auto layout! Would use this everyday building responsive page layouts and components.
Joining the want train!
It’s a valid design handover requirement to set something at a percentage of width/height, so it should be possible to do in Figma.
Yes plz! This is what i need!
Plz make it so!!
+1, go forward
Please make this happen!
this would be awesome, along with some Grids
+1, must have feature.
Please make this happen!! If we are building designs that should mimick real life responsiveness this should be critical feature
Totally need this. Please make it happen 🙂
+1 million. Please evolve beyond the design stone age, Figma!
+1 million also—this is crucial to responsive design!
It would be great to be able to layout elements by column-widths or percentages for column based designs. If I actually had the ability to divide components and elements into columns the layout-grid wouldn’t really be a necessity.
The time it would save me would be immense.
Even having percentages would be a really good step.
This would be great! It would also be great if it worked similar to how you would code columns with flexbox.
yeb PLEASE! It would be loads of benefits to have %width features as well as max/min width and height settings, like the things framer have already had!
To be honest, I don’t even know why it still doesn’t include % features since Figma has ‘fill’ setting to do the 100%, also for the thing set to be position absolute having constraints feature which can do the “scale” setting and it is basically the % approach.
Please please please Figma implements this!!!
A work around I found myself to handle that in components is to create fixed with empty columns… but its such a mess to maintain
Guys after looking for a solution for so long I found this Figma plugin that solves this problem and more!
So now we have min and max which is very nice. It could be pretty nice to be able to user percent instead of px now 🙂 .
Can you give me some example use cases when you would want to have min/max in percentages?
Hello Jacky,
Of course, the reason is simple: I would be interested to manage my different container and sub-container on a page using relative size to manage different list on the page.
This way it would be also possible to use a combo of “Fill” and a “relative size” with a min/max behavior.
Percentage values for (general / max / min) width and height would be awesome.
I’m also waiting for this feature, it’s much easier to manage the width of the columns with percentage values rather than pixels and it allows you to give the size you want to each column in an auto-layout. (Like a 60/20/20, 70/30, and more…)
For example. in a table component when you need both responsiveness and to set an average size for a column, very useful combine to min-width 😍