@dvaliao@Dustin_Hansen2 describing the need for more levels of folders for the Teams Sections. Under each team you can have folders. But you can’t create any subfolders under the parent folder. I would like to create several subfolders under each team parent folder.
When i manage ‘Pages’(sidebar) according to features, Sometimes i separate many lists. If there are ‘Pages-Group(&Fold)’ function here, it will be easier for me and my team to use it
I wish we could have section feature in left nav to group or categorize pages. I have to make an extra blank page with dashed label to divide pages into different parts. any sort of folder or accordion feature could be helpful to sort and categorize pages.
I would like to further organize my files in a project into separate folders, just like in Google Drive. Working in a large team, things can get out of control quickly with numerous projects and files, so it is always good to have more organization options for effective file management. I also need a cover feature for FigJam files, they look so disorganized when files pile up, it annoys me so much. A thumbnail feature, just like Figma files, would suffice.
+1 to everything above. This is my hack. Seeing some better ones on here though lol. But it would be really nice to not have to do this. I actually work on an app that had this same feature request and it was very well received when we launched it. Hoping work on this is happening. That’s a lot of upvotes and seems like it would help everyone.
I was able to use the creative structure of page grouping in Figma which was helping me (and other designers) managing ton of pages in a file but with the Dev mode kicked in, its getting difficult to manage pages for designers and well as for developers. (Devs only see the READY FOR DEV pages and do not see the page structure.)
It is essential now to introduce the grouping of pages. Just one layer of nesting is more than enough. 🙏
I know it’s not really a great solution, but I just used dashes and spaces to make the structure myself. Even though this isn’t a folder structure, I’m still able to understand my organization better.
YES! We really need this kind of organization feature, Figma team!
In the company I work for we’re also hacking it using empty pages, indentation by typing space, using emojis to illustrate what the page is for, and “dividers”.
This is beyond my comprehension that we’ve been asking for this for over 3 years now and no updates. A seemingly simple ask to improve our user experience for what you’d think a software that helps create user experiences should care about. PLEASE allow collapsible folder structures for grouping pages! Even smaller to middle-sized projects easily get out of hand with the amount of iterations, flows, pages, etc.
I desperately need this type of feature as I work with intricate systems featuring multiple nested integrations. The pages displaying these integrations are populated with numerous distinct components and features, based on the user’s role or current system location.
This results in numerous subpages filled with frames due to the complexity of the systems. In such scenarios, hundreds of frames within a subpage might be necessary. When trying to organize everything in the side panel, without having the ability to indicate relationships, makes it really challenging. As mentioned, the only solutions are either using the “hack” involving -------TITLE------- and an empty page or resorting to separate files, despite working within a single system. Neither solves the problem and both options are inefficient.
My work would be significantly easier and more efficient if I could create a Sitemap structure within a Figma file that seamlessly translates into pages. Envision starting a new file and immediately establishing a Sitemap hierarchy that seamlessly translates into pages and subpages.
While the option to create folders or titles for multiple pages is appealing, the addition of a Sitemap feature would be groundbreaking. Combining the two would make me the happiest UX designer ever. 🙌
I use pages for old versions, it’d be nice to either have folders or a way to highlight the version I’d like the devs to use. Also the concept of a ‘master link’ that I could send out that I could always make sure was pointing to the latest version.
It would be helpful to be able to group pages in a Fimga design file for example: to distinguish between the collection of web design pages and mobile design pages. The addition of separators and blank “no-pages” to use as headers or descriptors would also make exploring design files for new designers joining a project much easier.
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