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It would be amazing if Figma’s Slack integration offered live previews of individual Frames that you could post in channels. I find myself sharing a PNG copied from Figma to communicate design updates, but when changes happen, I have to rinse and repeat that process if people aren’t jumping into the files themselves.

It’s often easier to just send static images and get immediate discussions going in Slack versus using Figma’s commenting system.

How cool would it be to have live previews of a selected frame from a Figma file embedded straight into a Slack post?

Slack shortcut workflow would be something like:

  1. “Embed frame from Figma file”

  2. Paste URL to Figma file

  3. Select from dropdown the Frame you want to embed

Click Share, and you have a preview that updates at an interval. It wouldn’t even need to be realtime, but maybe having a refresh action/button on those embeds would tell Figma to fetch the latest preview.

Clicking the embedded image would display a full-size preview in Slack, just like other images, and the embed would also provide a link / button to View in Figma.


This would be super helpful!

We need this feature for Figma and Slack, please don’t sleep over this, I posted the same question today to my UX team.

Yes please, this feature seems like it would be a given!

Please add this, need to get stakeholders stoked to click it 🙂

Linear does this beautifully.

+100 Please make it happen!

This is the way. Make it so.

This is so needed! People do not engage with a long hairy prototype link we just want them to eyeball the screen we are talking about. As others have said, I end up posting a screenshot sometimes and it is out of date in 5 mins and then chaos ensues lol
