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I’m seeing that nested component properties are now collapsed by default and there’s no way to control this. This makes these properties harder to discover for the designers using my system. I understand some people want them collapsed by default and so that change was made in UI3. I need an option to control if the nested properties are expanded or not.

I’d prefer actually to be able to order these nested properties in with the parent component properties instead of separating them altogether. It doesn’t typically matter to my consuming designer if something is nested or not, they just want to use the parent component.

Completely agree. As a design systems designer building out a flexible and clear right panel is critical to matching our components API in a way our feature designers understand.

Many of our components now require multiple clicks to get information that was available upon insert in UI2. And it’s not just once, it’s every time the user interacts with the component.

Please make this a preference in the very least.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ability to default Nested Properties in the Design Panel to Collapsed

A vote has been moved.

Hey @Jax_Engel, sorry for the trouble and oversight on my part!

I’ve unmerged your feature request.
