Would love to have such feature. Especially usefull for developers who get bombared with multiple versions of same design when only a tiny, hard to find details are changed like font size, shade of color etc.
My workaround for now is take screenshot of the last version I worked on and a screenshot of the latest file. Then I paste both of them to Photoshop and set up top layer blending mode to Difference. This will make all changes nicely highlighted.
I’m pretty sure similar feature could be easily implemented in Figma itself. Maybe even a plugin could do that?
If a designer makes a text tweak in an autosave version there should be a way to have a pointer (or something) that zooms you in or highlights the area of interest. The difference (layer blend mode) workaround is an intriguing idea yet on large workspaces a comma (a small tweak) could be hard to see.
Just adding to this. Miro has a nice feature that shows you what has changed since you last visited a board. I think this kind of visual pattern, just highlighting elements and saying when they changed (and by whom) would be a great way to visualise this.
Context: we are seeing our engineers not notice small changes when they’re made and are looking to spot when changes have happened so we include these.
This is an AWESOME IDEA and would compliment if not give History an even better meaning. Now, I only use history to look at really old changes that are obvious. I also use it to revert design system changes. I also look at it to see if other designers changed my file but again, cannot see what they changed unless it’s obvious.
Today, I literally have to have a change log list inside my file telling devs, PM’s, BA’s what changed. This sucks because I am only selective about the changes like changed color black to blue on “frame name.” I do not mention things like spacing or minor movement because there would be hundreds of lines since we tweak as designers. I also have three default pages in all of my files. A dated current version and a dated old version and archived. This is to help with some distinction. Even still I doubt devs can tell the difference. Adding this would eliminate all of the above.
I need this. I saw one of my designers made modifications in history and he claims he just opened the file and copied some stuff. But the version history shows multiple edits in several components. I need to be able to know exactly what changed. Otherwise it’s like seeing a pull request and not seeing what’s changed.
Totally cool. I need this too.
Definitely need this. Labview has a very thorough method to describe differences. It allows you to select how “sensitive” the diff is. For example, do you just want to see what is added, or see every move, resize, text change etc
This would be great to have this feature.
This would be very helpful. Does anyone know if there’s a plugin that already does this? I was looking into Visual Difference, but it doesn’t seem to allow comparing it based on the version history.
We definitely need this feature to work with our dev team !
An incremental step in this direction: make selection of frames from past versions more visible (use case: I’m going back to a past version, copying something I changed, and bringing it into the current version)
It would be amazing to have this feature.
Yes please! This would be so useful!
You guys need to add this, it would make teamwork so much better.
Please add this this feature ASAP)))
🥺 Probably a significant engineering effort but this would be extremely helpful.
Very useful, please add this feature
I tried to workaround this limitation by creating branches and reverting to old versions.
Unfortunately that did not work out.
Also voting for this feature by both hands! This will help to bill the time in the end of the week. Now it takes hours to understand what I worked for during these 5 or 7 days. A lot of history stamps but no evident changes in frames.
This functionality is available in dev mode > compare changes.
Still it would be nice to add some designer-to-developer communication, for example push changes to “ready for development”, similar to the “publish library function”.
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I’m building a tool that takes screenshots everyday, of every Figma file I need changelog, and I can visually compare them with mapbox/pixelmatch. If there is a change I keep the latest screenshot, if not… no.
My only problem is with huge Figma files. I’m getting an error because the request to api takes too long
Sadly the current implementation of “Compare changes in Dev Mode” leaves a lot to be desired - most fundamentally, it’s far too difficult to see what’s actually changed! 😣
Will raise a separate suggestion about this now.