There are possibilities to display “responsive” Design, but all include designing multiple Screens. Would be nice, if i can simply bind Component-States to Frame-Width, mayby by a simply if statement or something like that. This would reduce the effort to display every Screensize in a seperate Frame (screen), but rather just resize the Frame. I can allready do this, by using auto-layout, but some Elements change entirely by Screensize (as it can be for Menus for example)
In the Component “Menu” define:
Width of Frame123 = 1440px - set-State: Desktop.
width of Frame123 < 500px - set-State: Mobile.
Would extremly reduce the effort of displaying different Screensizes and have a all-in-one Screen where for example the Menu switches from Tabs to a Burger Menü or similar simply by resizing the parent Frame. Since “normal” Elements, that dont change entirely i can exactly do this by using auto-layout…