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“For one week starting this April Fun Day” but why only for a limited time? In almost the same breath the article states:

“There’s no visual metaphor for personal expression quite like a cursor blinking in a brave new document, or zooming around a shared canvas. In Figma and FigJam, cursors signify multiplayer collaboration. These avatars don’t just design and build, but also chat, emote, and high five. They’re how we see and relate to each other thanks to—not in spite of—our screens.”

I’d like to see customer cursors stay past this April fun week.

please this is a petition, bring back the custom cursor. It was so fun and if others don’t want it for professionality make it something like on and off. I am now very sad and disappointed without my kitty cat oww cursor. Why put such a nice feature and just take it out of all of us? Be fair please 🥺 🥺

Please bring them back! They are so awesome and fun!

Agreed please bring them back 🥺

Are custom cursors still available to you?

I miss designing things with a pointer straight out of 2007.

No, it is not in use.

Please bring them back!!! ☹

another sad day without the cursors back ☹

please sir, i want some more … fun cursors 🥺
