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Now that we have variables support for text styles, it’s taking a while to update all the properties to match text variables.

It’d be really, really helpful to be able to apply variables to multiple text styles at once, by selecting all font styles that we want to apply a variable to and editing the property, since most of these are shared between different styles. With that feature, text migration to variables would be super easy and seamless.

Hey @ValentinaG, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto our team for future consideration. Don’t forget to also Vote up top! ☝️

We use votes to gauge overall interest from the community.

Agreed. Any manipulation with text styles is pure pain. Batch editing styles without using half baked plugins is virtually impossible. Binding my existing variables to 78 text styles * 5 properties = 390x opening inconsistent dropdowns. FML.

Has there been any updates here? We’re trying to go from a Text Styles only doc to a doc that is using Variables, but the conversion is going to be tedious if we have to select every style from the list and manually add every variable.
