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All plans should offer more than 4 variable modes

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I mean, the “why” is obvious, 💰 💰 💰. And it’s ridiculous, any organization working with whitelabel solutions or themes needs more than 4, and it’s equally ridiculous having to pay ten times the amount just for a software max limit block.


Absolute cash grab to only allow 4 modes. Ridiculous.

  • Active Member
  • December 3, 2024

How is this still a problem?

How is this not even answered yet, even as a negative response? Evidently, this thread is not dying, nor is the demand going away…


  • New Participant
  • December 6, 2024

Hey Figma,

Can we get an update on this. It’s been a year and half, and I’ve held off upgrading to organization because of the lack of modes for the increase of price.



  • New Participant
  • December 10, 2024

So with the new pricing does that mean we all get 40 modes!!! @dvaliao


I can only hope—but I also feel like they would have mentioned that, if that was the case.

  • Active Member
  • December 16, 2024

Huh? Where did you find that information?
Pricing table still states the old information. The blog post about new pricing updates didn’t mention any increase of Variable Modes.

… So, I said it before and I’ll say it again: UNLOCK THE MODES


I’ll be looking at your plugin and appreciate the effort but Im concerned about selling this to my company as a multi-brand theme solution. There is less confidence in a plug-ins long term upkeep, technical support, etc. We need to know long term that we can use variable modes to cover dark and light themes for all 6 of the sub-brands under our orgs umbrella.



Thank you for the feedback. May I ask how you’re currently dealing with themeing without variable modes?


Putting a limit on variable modes on PROFESSIONAL plan is a joke. If you’re a pro 4 modes is extremely limiting. I understand such limit in a FREE plan, but paying users should have access to the whole product design craft-related functionality.


Our design system is currently only supporting 2 of our brand themes (both in light and dark mode), because of the limitations of only 4 modes. Currently there is talk about potentially disregarding variables all together and going back to relying solely on the token studio plug-in since that has no restriction on the amount of themes - but then we are back to our original problem that the plugin doesn’t provide the same level of support and upkeep (no shade on the folks at token studio, they have done fantastic work with their resources) so there was constant concern about how much we were relying on a plug-in, it’s day to day stability, and what happens if it’s no longer supported in the future, etc.
We thought variables was the answer but now it’s unclear what we are going to do to add our addition sub-brands.


Unless Figma comes to their senses, I don’t think there is an ideal solution. As you said, if you go back to token studio, you will face the same issue you hesitate to use my plugin for. Although token studio can be considered a more trustworthy source of course.
There is a feature on my roadmap, that would allow you to put all collections (that together make up the combined collection in the plugin) into one native collection, in case you decide to change to a plan with more modes (or vise versa), or if Figma changes their plans, which I think eventually will happen.


If I am paying for “Pro” mode then I expect to have no limits on the functionality that I can use.

I understand that cloud storage, number of seats etc can be gated but it is annoying to be spending time working out how to solve this problem.

Even if I wanted to just throw money at the situation I would have to. “Contact sales”.

For reference, I am setting up a design system for a Helath Care company. This counts as “Pro”.

Please fix. This is my first ever post.

  • Active Member
  • December 19, 2024

Well, if there are no ideal solutions, eventually, another option will come and take over Figma or create enough of an alternative for people to switch. Examples are countless, as no software is irreplaceable.

  • New Member
  • January 14, 2025

Juste keeping this going… with the new forum my old account is gone. Still need more modes…


It is quite telling that Figma is remaining silent regarding their decision. They know that a significant portion of their PRO customer base is unhappy with this, and whether they will adjust their approach is anyone's guess. Sometimes, doing something positive for thousands of loyal PRO subscribers will be far more beneficial for brand loyalty than attempting to squeeze the last penny out of them. I am sure this discussion has arisen in many meetings, but Figma is probably like a large tanker; it moves slowly to address these matters as there are many fingers in the same pie. Either way, it does not bode well and appears to be standard practice these days. When companies grow to a certain size, they forget what got them there in the first place.

  • New Member
  • January 31, 2025
Bollard-on-the-superhighway wrote:

When companies grow to a certain size, they forget what got them there in the first place.

It’s exhausting.


Hi everyone,
I just faced the same huge and unbelievable problem with the mode limitation to 4. This doesn’t make any sense. Expecially discovering it by chance in the middle of a big project. This is a HUGE problem and forces us to a massive rework while the project is running.

Can anyone suggest an alternative/different approach to managing multi-brand? I need to manage at least 15 brands with different colors and fonts.

  • New Participant
  • February 6, 2025

Still no update from Figma on this topic?

  • New Member
  • February 9, 2025

Please amend this Figma! 😢

  • New Member
  • February 10, 2025

This is gross. We are all getting price increases for basically no new features (or no features people actually want/need).

Think about that for a minute. We have an org plan. Our design seats are going from $45 to $55USD/month. for 4 modes!! 😡 Like more modes would have been the easiest justification for a price bump.


  • New Member
  • February 12, 2025

This artificial cap is greedy and unnecessary. Seriously looking at Penpot as an alternative after many years of service to Figma.

Disappointed with this arbitrary limit that is clearly designed to squeeze money out of Figma users, rather than to cover any real cost associated with storing the variables. 

There is no mention of variable modes limits on the pricing page, so this is designed to catch out users.


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