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I hope my title makes sense.

What I’m proposing is adding the ability to multi-edit a layer across similar layers in a particular variant. For example:

In our design system, we have text styles for responsive design (ie: We have a Body/XL, Body/LG, Body/MD, and Body/SM) and when we create component sets, we also create the variants for each breakpoint. So on a card component for example, we’ll have Size=XL, LG, MD, SM, and then the text layers in each of those size variants correspond to the Text styles I mentioned before. In a Card LG size, the body text will be Card/LG, a link might be Link/LG, a button might be Button/LG and so on, in a Card SM size, it’ll be Card/SM, link will be Card/SM etc.

The tweak I’m asking for is when I duplicate the LG variant to make the SM variant, when I select a Body/LG text layer in the SM variant, I have the ability to select only the Body/LG text layers in that SM variant, vs all matching text layers in the component set.

Note: I’m not asking for this to replace the existing Multi-Edit functionality, merely to augment with a new option. This could be a new shortcut like Shift + Q or Alt + Q or an option in the dropdown.

Here’s a crudely put-together image of what I’m describing.

Hey @Ryan_Carter1, thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto the team for future consideration.
