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There are times when having sections free of constraints is nice… but my design team has become addicted to using auto layout with frames. In many cases when using sections, it would be amazing to perfectly space the inner sections out using auto layout.

This doesn’t seem to work for me, but I’ll bet someone got it to work at the company I work for… because I do have a magical Section I found by accident somewhere along the way, and I just copy it whenever I want it…

Make it official @figma

  1. Allow to create sections for single object. It’s very common case. Sometimes you need to follow the whole structure of project and need to put one screen in section to not break everything.

  2. Add auto-layout functionality to align objects inside section. Now we use plugin “Screen Organizer” to make all margins consistent.

+1 Absolutely needed

+1 Vote from me for this feature idea

+1 - The solutions here pretty much say to convert a section the a frame and apply auto layout, but what’s lost is the hierarchy that sections provide. Seems like a lay-up feature, it makes it neat and organized for other collaborators!

I love auto layout but I hate that it’s a frame. I’d much prefer it to be a section because:

  1. It hides the names of the frames inside and makes it hard to select them;


  2. When exporting all frames to pdf, it exports it as a single pdf image of all your frames organised, making me have to remove all the frames from inside the auto layout frame before exporting.
