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There are times when having sections free of constraints is nice… but my design team has become addicted to using auto layout with frames. In many cases when using sections, it would be amazing to perfectly space the inner sections out using auto layout.


Use Case: icon library - the section can be the container supporting the name and the release state


This is the main reason I don’t use sections at the moment. I create huge frames within frames within frames to manage my screens, and avoid having to move them around by hand every time I need to add or delete something.

Now that sections are the key to the “ready for dev” feature, it becomes even more important that sections allow us to arrange screens easily inside.

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Another +1 here. It would be really really much more easier to use, especially with new “dev handoff mode”. For now I am using auto-layouts manually

This would really help me organize my files. Right now, sections aren’t that useful without autolayout.

I’m gonna ride this train, count me in

+1 !

I use sections for our component library, as they nicely display the name of a component and their own name adjusts to the zoom level.

Without auto-layout though, its a bit of a mess 🙂

It would be awesome to have hug option in width option list and auto layout with paddings and gap for sections as for a frame

I just wanted to bump @Josh_Rhode’s comment above – I love using Figma for slides, but right now changing the order of the slides is a pain as I have to manually slide all the ones after it down, etc.

Auto layout would solve this immediately, but I can’t frame the slides for two reasons:

  • It will break the plugin I use to sync the slides to Google Slides

  • It will break clickthrough, like Josh mentioned

Having auto layout on sections would solve this neatly! 🤞

Now that Figma is encouraging use of sections in Figma design via the “Ready for dev” section indicator, it’s more important than ever that designers be able to integrate sections into the process of laying out our design specs. Translating from an autolayout-based format to one devoid of autolayout makes this challenging.


I was happy when I realized you could put all your screens into one big parent frame with auto-layout, so then duplicating screens and moving them around was effortless. But. It breaks prototyping / flows, which is based on the top-level frames. 😦

I feel like this is a separate problem that should be fixed. But. Having auto layout on sections would probably make this a non-issue.

We really need this feature to be added. Currently there is still a lot of overhead manually resizing sections because such a feature is missing. Please add this to you backlog Figma devs! 🙏

+1 Need this!

It seems like this feature is probably the most wanted feature right now lol - just came here to add my support to the community, auto layout on sections would be huge!

This would definitely be a great addition to the sections feature. We really need this asap, would change completely how I use sections and upgrade my work flow. 🙂

I loove the idea so much. The only thing i would be afraid is maybe performance.

+1 to this suggestion! 🙏

Designers on my team are avoiding using sections and the “ready for dev” button because this feature doesn’t exist. As a developer, this is challenging. Please? 🥺 🙏

Hi Figma, this is becoming a MUST HAVE from a time saving perspective. I give up too many touches to Sections to drive the cleanliness within sections and between them that is needed to provide coherent specs for my dev team. I want to be able to easily control a Section’s padding and margins between frames. The use of sections within large projects has become deeply intertwined with our process. We keep big efforts to a single page to reduce miscommunication and team members not being able to find specs without pinging design. With so many sections accruing in a single page, we now have to use color coding on Sections for various internal statuses, which would be a nice to have someday as a sub-feature of sections above and beyond Ready For Dev. But the biggest loss of efficiency is simply in keeping pages clean and easy to scan. Sections require too much effort to make nice, yet making them nice is something our team deems critical because our team needs clarity even when things are rough and rapid. And it becomes a cycle, because our team moves very rapidly, I end up over-investing in Section cleanliness at the expense of my valuable time. Time spent manually working with sections is time I can’t spend solving business problems with design. Please consider elevating this topic into a very near-future release. Thank you.

I’m absolutely SHOCKED that Sections do not support Auto-layout! Please, for the love of Figma, fix this as soon as possible!!


This feature is really needed

+1 Absolutely needed

+1 plz add! I use sections every day and am constantly having to manually format my spacing

Heads up everyone on this thread–Figma FIXED the issue in a short-term suitable way. While sections don’t have auto layout yet, adjusting the width or height of a section now triggers a snapping affordance when the section’s adjusted edge matches another edge’s distance from a child object inside the section. Now, all I need to do is get one edge of a section to my preferred distance from child objects and the other 3 sides can be quickly resized to snap to that same distance. While it’s not Auto-layout, which would still be nice as this would be even more hands off AND let me bulk update sections at once, it’s a much appreciated improvement that does save time. Thanks Figma!

The snapping feature is not enough. It’s now 2024. Come on Figma, this isn’t good enough. Section are completely useless if they can’t be organised and auto-resize to fit the inner content. Designers like to work in organised ways.
