Skip to main content provides a platform for constructing and launching complete websites without needing any coding expertise. It allows for a seamless export of Figma design files, eliminating the need to convert your designs into HTML and CSS manually. Once exported, adjustments and modifications can be made directly on Siter, with the added feature of incorporating responsive designs for your pages.

Moreover, Siter’s visual editor allows for the integration of HTML code directly into your website.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Install the plugin.

  2. Within Figma, select your website’s art-board.

  3. Navigate to “Plugins” and select Export Figma to Websites / HTML by Siter.

  4. Connect Siter with Figma.

  5. Export your designs with ease!

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The Siter plug in does not transfer any of the animations or transitions I’ve coded in the Figma app itself, how do I get these to stay across the board, or insert these into an existing website. Ideally I’d like to just take the Figma preview and use that as a website but I am not understanding how to do that. There are so many different plugins yet none of them seem to do this. All these plugins also drastically change the layout and fonts of my Figma design and make everything I’ve made in Figma obsolete… what is the point of creating components and transitions in Figma if there is no way to publish them directly from Figma…? Am I missing something here? I feel lost at sea. Thanks for your help.

Hi, the animations and transitions are impossible to transfer. Yes, all the Figma to website and HTML plugins don’t have the possibility to ideally transfer your website from Figma due to API limitations.

The best way is to export your design from Figma and adjust the design directly on the chosen platform, in this case, Siter.

I am facing the same problem and have not been able to find any solution that maintains the animations I have in the original prototype. Have you found anything since this post?

Check out Anima! 😁
