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This should be very simple:

  1. I have a component with 2 variants. Variant1 has a text layer which is not underlined text, and Variant2 has the same text layer (same layer name of course), which is underlined text.

  2. I added a hover interaction on Variant1 to change to Variant2

When I test it out in the prototype, the underlined text doesn’t show up on hover.

To make sure the variant switch is happening on hover, I changed the background of Variant2, and sure enough, the background change does happen on hover.

So for some reason the text underline is just not happening.

This is a bug, right?

Any workarounds?

This has to be a new bug. I just had this start happening to me today and I KNOW they were working as recently as yesterday.

Oh hey!

I just stripped the text style off of my text and the variant hover works with no variables on my text.

So there is a conflict somewhere.

But unstyled text works!

@KennLucas Thank you! I had given up on it. Yep you figured out the issue: Some issue with Text Styles (color styles are OK).

@dvaliao can you please forward this bug to the team?

Thanks for looping me in!

The team is already aware, but I’ll be sure to send over this topic for more context.

Confirmed as not working for me building breadcrumbs with “While hovering” interaction and a text style applied with a nested component.

Hello did anyone find a workout about this?

I have the same problem. Underlined font working very randomly. Typeface used is Avenir Next. Please see below - six of the same component, where two out of six show the underline. Super-buggy.

I truly love Figma, but this is just way off. I have read several articles - some as old as 2021 with people who seem to have similar problems with underlining text. I´d be very greatful if somebody at Figma could look into this and get back to me.

Thank you kindly


I found a workaround. When I removed the text-style from the headers, i got it to work. I mean clearly it should work anyway, but for now, that worked 👍

I am also currently having this issue. My text styles have also been detached and the underline on hover still isn’t working. Has there been an update to this?
