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I started a new flowchart from a template and decided to change the color of the shapes. However, I can’t adjust the color of the border or the text inside the shape. Worse, if I simply copy the color of the default template shapes and paste on a new shape, the border has a different color and the text is always black.

In the screenshot below, the shape on the right is the original one. I simply duplicated it and pasted the same fill color code (#F1E5FF in this case), but the border color is obviously different. And it seems there’s no way to manually change the text color…

If I change the original shape into a different shape the border color will also change and I can’t ever get the same border again.

Is this a bug? How can I create a box with the same colors as the original shape? Why can’t I create a purple box with purple text, or green with green text, etc?

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. Regarding the ability to change the color of text and border, it is not available at the moment. I shared your feedback with our internal team.

I’m curious about the color change when copying and paste. I couldn’t replicated it, so could you share which template you used? If you could share the video recording, that would also be very helpful to identify if it’s bug or not. Here is my screen recording where I couldn’t reproduce:



I used an AI generated chart as you can see in the video.

Even if I just open the custom color and close it without modifying it the border color changes!

Hi there,

Thank you for providing the detailed information and screen recording, I appreciate it. I could replicate it! As per your explanation, we can’t change the colors of the texts and border color. Unfortunately, at this point we don’t have the ability to change the text color, but I will pass along your feedback to our internal team for consideration in future updates.

Thanks for your understanding.


This has been “passed along” multiple times over multiple years. Hoping this update happens soon - the only way to do this is to add a text box over a shape and hope your alignment doesn’t get messed up.
