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Sorry for the quite awkward title, but, here is the thing …

One of my Figma accounts the UI has been promoted to the new version. Yeah! Very cool UI, I’m so happy. I find it refreshing, functional and easy to switch my behaviors on.

I think there is a small (but maybe not so small) issue with those sidebars. While the previous UI sidebars touched the window borders now they float within some pixels from the borders.

I saw that Figma UI guys decided to apply some kind of blur behind those sidebars, like to say “hey, this space is not really available to you user, please drag or zoom out the canvas”. Cool, but … maybe you Figma guys forgot some situations in which elements hidden by the bars are still active and receiving events from the user.

A couple of examples:

  • if I drag a prototype connection the canvas starts to scroll when, while dragging, I reach the side of the window. This means that if there are some elements hidden behind the sidebar the connection will stick to them but I cannot see to what I’m going to link my connections because those elements count as “in visible space” while they ar not actually visible because I have sidebars above

  • when a create an item (let’s say a square) in the canvas, if I paste it inside a selected frame Figma, by default, will position it in the topmost/leftmost position of the visible portion of that frame. The new UI maintained this behavior, but the space behind the sidebars now counts as “visible” so in certain situations I cannot see the just pasted item because the visible portion of the selected frame falls behind a sidebar.

What do you think?

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