Hello everyone,
I just removed all interactions from the prototype by mistake when working on a project. 💀
I right clicked on the Prototype page because I was having trouble connecting a section. Clicked on “Remove all interactions” thinking it would hide them temporary so I coud have a better view. I almost cried when I realized all the conections were lost. Why did the system didn’t even ask for a confirmation?!
I tried everything, but no Ctrl + Z or Version Story could solve it. I tried to re-connect it all but I had a meeting in 1 hour. Of course I wasn’t able to fix the whole project…
I saw another post of Mark_Roudebush talking about the same experience 3 years ago and I’m shocked that Figma hasn’t solved that yet.
It should totally have a confirmation, it’s a delicate decision for the user and it keeps happening to many designers.