Yes. Just happened to me. Thought I was deleting the selected interaction. Lost the lot and restore version doesn’t bring it back. No idea how much work this is going to take to link everything up again. Very angry.
You might not have had the frame selected.

When a frame is selected it just says “Remove Interactions”
This just happened to me too…cmd + z doesn’t undo. So frustrating. Had the frame selected, but instead of using the main context menu i right clicked on the ‘Flow 1’ tag > remove all interactions. Infuriating. Please improve this feature to make it less vague and work more like we all obviously expected it to…
Used “Remove all interactions”. All of the connections in my mockup were wiped out. Can’t Undo. Can’t get them back from version history. I need to hook these up again.
This has caused me permanent data loss and I need to reconstruct my interactions now. Feature seems broken.
Same. Terrible UX. Just lost 100+ screens worth of connections, all using a variety of dissolves, timings and animation types. Inexcusable design choice.
Hi @Patrick_Swinnea, it’s unfortunate that this happened, but you can return all connections by pressing ⌘ Cmd or Ctrl+Z.
Nope, Undo did not work here.
Undo should work. If it doesn’t, then it looks like a bug that should be reported to the support team.
You can also try Restore from History version.
Thank you. Version history is an OK option, as long as the user doesn’t mind losing up to a half hour of work. I’ll report the Undo as a bug, but will argue that any overly destructive user action needs a confirmation box. A simple, “Are you sure you want to remove all connections from this document?” pop-up is the correct fix here.
Already been in a situation several times when instead of removing all interactions from one frame I accidentally removed all interactions on my whole page because that exact frame wasn’t chosen. I noticed that after hour of work when I had to go back to the prototype – but it’s gone! No Cmd+Z will help anymore – the only way is to restore a version and say goodbye to the last hour of work.
During the work process, especially when you work fast that’s quite easy to make a misclick and unselect the frame. But the cost of mistake is just too big. The difference in wording (“Remove interactions” vs. “Remove all interactions”) doesn’t do much – that “all” can as well mean “all in in this frame” plus you don’t really notice the difference while working.
Please make some kind of a confirmation “Do you want to remove all interactions in your prototype”? Or place this action in the right panel, not in the right-click menu. Whatever makes it a bit more difficult to achieve it will help. Thanks.
This just happened to me, I wanted to see what this feature does. All my prototypes, all connections, all timings are lost.
No problem I thought, just hit Undo… Doesn’t work. Connections are still gone. 10 different Flows, with loads of complex connections are gone.
Version History - also did not help - I recovered an earlier Version, before I removed all the interactions and was surprised, sad and kind of paralysed to find that all the prototyping work was still not there. Please help with that Figma Team… this is really frustrating
Hello Figma, I thank you for your beautiful app. This terrible issue, however, just made me lose a day of work. Please ask for confirmation before destroying hundreds of interactions. Thank you.
Aaarrggghh! Wish I had known about this problem beforehand. Just lost hundreds of interactions for about 20 screens and have no idea exactly what/how it happened. I didn’t intentionally/knowingly choose the option to delete interactions so I’m not even sure how I did it, and didn’t notice for probably 10-15 minutes that it had occurred. This is such a destructive action that there really should be some sort of check before doing it. So frustrating to lose all that work and spend time re-creating it all.
HI, you can easily restore the version before you removed changes by going to files->History the right click on your last changes and revert no need to Panick. Had the same issue now i reverted and everything is fine
You can copy your changed and paste them on another file then revert and paste them back on reverted file
Hi @Thendo_Makherana you mentioned this twice but it does not work, my interactions are still gone, 120+ pages worth of prototypes of my teams final iteration, gone.
that’s referring to version history and ctrl z, please if there’s a way to restore, kindly tell, thank you 🙏
hi feel free to send me a meeting invite on so i can show you. You have to be able to recover
I can understand why you would be surprised and frustrated by this experience. It’s never a good feeling to accidentally delete something that you’ve been working on.
While I’m not aware of any specific instances of someone accidentally deleting their entire prototype in the way you described, it’s certainly possible that others have encountered similar issues.
It sounds like you have some good ideas for how the interface could be improved to avoid this kind of accidental deletion in the future, such as having a “delete all interactions in this prototype” option within the prototype panel. I would encourage you to share your feedback with the software’s support team or community forum, as they may be able to incorporate your suggestions into future updates.
In the meantime, it’s always a good idea to make regular backups of your work to prevent any data loss in case of accidents or technical issues.
This just happened to me.
Wanted to remove interactions from an instructional note copied over from another file. I didn’t realize I’d been building on top of the note for ~3 days, with said note functioning as the starting point for all interactions for three super-detailed prototypes on the same page. I was able to retrieve most of what was lost in the version history (not just my work, btw as I was collaborating with another designer), but it’s kind of unbelievable that there’s not an “are you sure” moment or ability to ctrl + z this. Lost a good 20m staring into the void with complete and utter dread when this happened.
I usually have a few months where I’m prototyping like crazy, followed by a period of very little (or very basic) prototyping due to research, workshopping, etc., during which I always lose some of that muscle memory and could easily make a mistake like this again.
A stupid approach to create this command “Remove all interactions” in a single click to waste the huge investment of time and money from the providers
Ahh same here! I tried to delete interactions for only two icons and did not notice that it actually erased all the interactions in my files. Hundreds of interactions just gone in a second. Figma should do something about it. I selected two particular frames and it still erased all the interactions. There should be a warning about it or something like that. I’ll have to sit for hours again.
You could go to the version history and bring back the version where you had all the prototypes. Just click on the down arrow on top where the file name is written
(Drafts / filename) and click on version history. I just figured it out and it worked! I got all my interactions back.