I’m also having this issue and found one of the previous solutions helped.
I’ve built a dropdown component with nested menu-item components which have hover states. When you open the menu, it doesn’t have hover states but when you view the open menu in isolation, the hover states all work.
Moving the interaction from hover
to mouse-enter
and mouse-leave
allowed the hover states to work again in the parent component.
press R to restart instead is the same but faster
same here I even tried with mouse enter/leaves but still the icon in the button will get stuck at the end of animation and will never go back to the original state, even though the button is back to default.
I’m also having problems with hover interactions, for example with buttons.
Colors of nested icon components do not reset as expected and change to their original color instead of overridden colors. This occurs quite randomly.
Mouse enter and mouse leave also currently do not work as usual.
Is smart animate buggy in general? Figma, please fix this…!
A lot of people have this issue since 2021. Please prioritize this fix.
-Written 2023, April 27
I have the same problem too! The interation hover doesn’t working.
Please prioriteze this fix! The while hovering is basic.
I would feel a lot more confident presenting prototypes to stakeholders and investors if I didn’t have to worry about something simple like this not working during the presentation. It seems to fail at random so it’s not something I can really prepare for or fix.
Still a problem, and still needed. I have a “pressed” state, when closing the overlay I want it to go back to normal since its not in a “is pressed” state anymore.
Same issue here. I need this to fix when using overlay with button from a library.
Same issue for me, it seems to become an issue when prototype complexity increases, or at least in my experience.
A simple input [default, hover, active] with “while hovering” set between edefault, hover] works perfectly in isolation and when combined in simple scenarios. However as my application design grew, I found prototyping increasingly unreliable, seemingly at random depending on if I refresh the prototype or not.
Currently experiencing “while hovering” lagging and remaining on nhover] variants of all components. The way things are set up for us means “mouse enter” and “leave” workaround is not suitable. This does need to be addressed pretty soon. 🙏
Writing this October 23’ 😢
same here. Why this minor bug has not been fixed since 2021?
I’m having this issue as well!
Can someone please fix this issue?
How can this issue still be here ? please fix
Really useful! In my case, I was dealing with a complex prototype, and had to remove “Hover” interaction, using only “Mouse enter” and “Mouse leave”
I have the same issue. The workaround for me has been: Layer 2 buttons on top of each other. After click, hide the top one (that’s stuck in hover) to reveal the one underneath (to show a resting state again). So many layers 😅
Why is still a problem?! Even mouse enter/leave does not reliably reset the hover state.
I have the same issue. Let me guess new features are more important than something that kinda works? 😦
Adding to the thread that this bug is still happening.
Just noticed this today when working on a prototype…