Hi everyone,
I need help from all of you as I don’t quite understand still on how the seat are works. Below are the reply from the support recently:
‘It's fine for you to move the file from team with email 1 to team with email 2 once it's been created, but again, please note that everyone with email 2 logging information will be able to manage everything in that account.
Again, I recommend that every user uses their own Figma account to collaborate on the files on your chosen team whether linked to email 1 or email 2. This is better for collaborating and also for security reasons.’
My reply after:
‘You meant:
1. Everything in email 2.
2. I create a team in email 2. All designs under this team.
3. I invite each of them with different Figma accounts (separate email addresses)
4. Everyone of them will view designs and accessing to Dev Mode under that team.
Ultimately, they would not able to manage anything besides viewing designs and Dev Mode only.
All yes?’
So, my question, are all true as per what I have described?