I wanted to test conditional prototyping + multi-mode for variables. I was thinking that if I downgrade my plan after a while, what will happen to these prototypes or modes? The case is I’m not sure if my team which I’m working with will continue paying for the professional plan or not. And I don’t want to get too dependent on these tools. Is there any help link to explain the process clearly? I didn’t find anything useful.
here are my questions:
- If I use multi-action + conditional prototype, will they work even after downgrade? (am I still able to view them or not?)
- If I create multi modes for my variable collections, would they still be usable or do they get locked? if they get locked, what will happen to styles that are connected to the modes? do they get detached?
- If I create more than 3 pages, after downgrade, would they still be visible, or they get locked?
I would appreciate any explanation.