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I have been playing around with variable prototyping, but sometimes when I assign a variable to a variant, I get this popup. Does anybody know what this means and how I can fix it?

@Leander_Nelissen hmm – are you able to share a copy of this particular file your screenshot is from? I think support would be best to answer this after looking. I’m not sure what’s triggering that message directly on my end.

You can create a ticket here, and someone will review + let you know what’s going on:

I found this same issue.

It was caused by the boolean property in the variant (“Show” in your case) being set to “Yes”/“No”, but the boolean variable is usually “True”/“False” - so go ahead into the Keyboard and make sure you use True / False

Was this issue resolved having the same issue.

Yes, just use True/false instead of yes/no


I used boolean variable, but it still doesn’t work (it have to be true/false, I have no option to change it but it still doesn’t work)



in the component:


Hey everyone, I am checking this internally with the team. Would appreciate it, if anyone is able to provide a direct link to the file and invite with “can edit” permission so we can look into this further? Note that users with emails on your team do not count towards your billing.


@Zohar_Uziely True/False should be set for the property in the main component (in your case for property “Selected”).

It seems that Figma can convert any variant with values (yes/no or on/off or smth similar) into a boolean property, but keeps under the hood these initially provided text strings(eg yes/no) and when you try to match Boolean variable and such a boolean property of the component, looks like Figma under the hood still tries to match text strings and for Boolean variable it’s a True/False and for your component it’s Yes/No(or other wording) - and this is the place where the issue happens

Great answer! Thank you!!

Here’s the solution to this issue: In the main component, ensure the property is set as true or false, not as on or off. For example, use selected=true or selected=false. This should align with the local variable, which should also be a string: “true” or “false”.
