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Hi, I’m having a few issues on Figma slide:

When I incorporate a prototype on a slide

  • I can’t move it around at all unless I use the X/Y position inputs in design mode

  • I have a scroll issue on the embed, even if the prototype frame I’m importing has no-scroll property set in prototype settings. (probably causing the issue of not being able to move it around.

  • The embed is always on top of all content, no matter what layer order it is in

    ** Additionally, the embed cannot be clipped when placed inside a frame.

Here’s a screen record:

Am I doing anything wrong??

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out.

For the first point, you should be able to move it around by deselecting the embed frame. It seems that when the frame is selected, movement is restricted within it because of the prototype.

Regarding the second point, could you provide a bit more context about the issue? I was able to make it non-scrollable. Please double-check to ensure that the child frames are also set to no-scrolling. If there’s a scrollable frame inside, you should be able to scroll it within that frame.

As for the last issue about the layer order, it appears that the embed frame is always in front, as you mentioned. I’ll share this with our internal team!

Looking forward to hearing from you!


