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Is anyone else having 503 Temporary Outage errors when accessing their files?

The status page shows green but we cannot reach anything


This is also happening to me as well

I just starting receiving this as well.

Figma’s status page:

  • They are investigating: Investigating - We’re investigating an availability issue navigating and viewing files

Yup. just started getting the error on my end.

Yes same exact thing here. What use is the Figma status webpage lol.

Hey All, thanks for flagging this!

We should be back up now:

Please let us know if you run into any further issues.

Confirmed seeing the same 503 on my end.

Having the same issue now, also weird loading since lunch and renaming of the files not working. (So for the last 4 hours)

same here and yes Figma status update page didn’t detect this.

I received the same 503 outage error

Same. I tried both website and app. Both are down

Yep, just started seeing the same thing here.

yup, just have the same issue here 😓

what is it?

Eu estou com o mesmo problema

Getting same message

Now working fine check your end

Happening here too… Oscilating a lot.
