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Hi community,

I have an issue with prototyping component states inside a frame, in one project but not another.

So what I am referring two is the following:

I have button with two interactive component states closed and open.

Then in my main frame I first create my prototype interactions for the open state as seen below:

Then (in the main frame) I change the component state back to closed, as this is the realistic flow starting point of this component.

Now when I present the prototype it works great in the example shown. But in my actual project which is much bigger, it just stopped working today. I can open the options, as this interaction is defined on the component level, but when I click the options nothing happens (in my bigger project)… This used to work fine until today…

Any ideas on why it’s not working in one but in another project? Already tried closing and restarting Figma to see if it’s just a CPU problem…

Hey there! Thanks for reaching out to the community.

Can you first double check if the settings of the interactive component are correct in your another file / project? Can you try to remove it and add it again to see if this helps? (the interactive components and the interaction settings).

It’s a bit complicated to know the root cause without investigating the file. As the issue seems to affect a specific file, I’d suggest you to reach out directly the support team so they can try to investigate it further: here

Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with, so they can take a closer look. Thanks!
