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When trying to publish a file in the community, it is published without errors but I can never see it in my profile, it also tells me next to the title, the legend “The community file is in review”. And when I consult the link of the file it shows me a 404 error, with the legend that “The file to be consulted does not exist or is not available”

Do you know what could be causing the problem?

I had previously published some files and had had no problems, however I have noticed that there have been various changes in file management and so on, I don’t know if this has anything to do with it.


In advance, I appreciate your help.

Hey @Juan_Temich, sorry for the trouble!

It looks like Celine already helped you out under this other topic:

Please let us know if we can help with anything else!

Hi, I’m experiencing the same issue with my design not being published. I’ve tried unpublishing and republishing, but it just says “Congrats” and doesn’t appear on my profile. When I click the link, it shows a 404 error.

Hey @Abdulahi_Omotayo,

As mentioned in the previous topic linked, it’s likely because the file still wasn’t verified by our community moderation team.

Are you able to see the file yet? If not, can you please provide the link, so we can escalate this over to the moderation team?

Hi Dvalia,

No the file is not showing.

Here is the link to the file.

Thank you.

Thanks for confirming, @Abdulahi_Omotayo!

I’ll pass this onto our community moderation team to take a closer look on your behalf. I’ve created ticket #1093316. Someone from the team will review and reply to you directly via email as soon as they can.

Hi, I’m experiencing the same problem. How long does the review take on the average? I’v published a file before but didn’t have any difficulties or delay.

Hey there! Thank you for reaching out to Figma Support and your patience. I’ve checked internally, your community file has just been approved and on live.

Hi, I’m experiencing the same problem. How long does the review take on the average? I’v published a file before but didn’t have any difficulties or delay.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Hi, I’m experiencing same experience, previously I have no problem when upload my file to community, but in this morning all of my file n my community profile is missing
