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I made a batch of button-like components for use in my project. At first all hover animations went smooth, just as I wanted. Further in the design phase I changed some background colors and I noticed my hovers were messed up, all except for one of the buttons.

As you can see in the file, the left button’s hover doesn’t go smooth, the color fades just suddenly pop in. The right button works fine. Funny thing is that I made every button based off the left button, and only changed the shape in the background.

I was wondering if any of you people could point me in the right direction to what is wrong, because I just can’t figure it out.

Figma – 16 Jul 24

Would really love to hear from the community 🥲

Can you enable copying of the file?

It’s hard to investigate since I can’t duplicate the file to see how’s the prototype is set up.

My bad! Copying is enabled now.

I managed to work around the issue. I just made every button into its own component and now it’s working fine. Wondering if it’s just a bug, or that it’s just not really the correct way to use variants.

There’s definitely nothing wrong about how you use variants.

I think it’s a bug. Maybe it’s related to that particular blob shape you’re using but it’s shouldn’t be happening.

When I create a new variant and use a different shape, it works just fine. Or if I slightly resize the shape in the default state of the buggy variant, it suddenly works as well.

I’d say you can keep using the single component solution with multiple variants, just replace that one specific blob shape or slightly modify it in one variant or another.

Thank you for looking into it, I really appreciate it.
