Hi there! Please apply via this Education status application page:
In ‘What is your school’s name’, please select ‘School not listed’ to enter details of your school:
- The full name of the school. For example:
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
- The school’s website (URL). For example:
If your application is declined or your Education status is revoked, you can reach out to the Figma team at education@figma.com.
For more information on how to verify your Education status, please check our guide here:
Figma Learn - Help Center
I hope this helps!
Hello. Thank you for the responde. The problem was updating the email (the redirection to the education page never stopped).
I don’t know how I exited it but it’s ok now (I needed to be rejected from the program in the first place).
Hey @Lucia17, thanks for the update!
Glad to hear you were able to exit and that it’s ok now.