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I’m on the Starter plan and I usually just browse through all my files that are not under any team under Recent. Now, they’re all gone. All I did was just delete a team, and then, they’re all gone. Has this happened to anyone of you? What do I do?

Recents is not a location of files, it just shows your recently opened files.

Your files was probably in deleted team (in Drafts or Project). Check your e-mail, there will be a link to restore your team. You have 28 days before it will be permanently deleted.

The files weren’t made under a team. I made them using the buttons on the Recent page. Some of the files I made using the same method are actually there. Just two but I had several. I’m on the Starter plan if that sheds any light to it.

Sorry, you’re right. It did restore it.

You can create new file from Recents section, but they are not created in Recents, but in Drafts of team. You can see location of any file by clicking on the name under the file title.

Thank you so much! I actually panic because I was working on a project that I need to submit soon.
