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On a German MacBook Pro (keyboard setting is German) several shortcuts don’t work.

For “zoom to fit” iShift]S1] is documented and works; for “zoom to selection” eShift]2] is documented but instead toggles “pixel grid hidden/visible” (as iShift]'] also does).

For “Show/hide UI” Command]d \ ] is documented, while instead eCommand] .] does the trick.

a) Pls ensure that the help area shows THE shortcuts which indeed do work.

b) Pls keep the shortcuts in-sync as far as possible also over different keyboard layouts. (E.g. in German any shortcut w/ n \ ] will always be harder to reach as just for the backslash three keys have to be held (option shift 7) instead of two on the US keyboard.)

Have you changed the keyboard layout in Figma preferences?

Figma Learn - Help Center

I changed the shortcut for taking a screenshot (instead of CommandShiftControl4 it’s CommandESC now).

And I added some app shortcuts, but none for Figma yet.

So I can’t see any settings which should hinder dControl]r2] from working.

(And even if there would be something, then a non-working Shortcut shouldn’t be shown in the menu under “Figma > View”.)

Did you look at the article linked above? Have you changed the keyboard layout to the one you need in the Figma preferences as described in the same article?

Ah, ok - that worked out.

(Sry - the link looked like just some advertising to me.)

Thanks, the case seems to be closable now

The article lists the correct shortcuts for a German keyboard (set in the Figma preferences) but the app’s menu still lists wrong shortcuts.
