In the main component I don’t absolute position but when I duplicate it the variant is have the absolute position
I’ve noticed the same issue, seems to have crept in after I installed the last update (still on the old ui version tho - Figma Desktop App version 124.1.16).
I have to keep going in to manually un set the absolute position on the object
I’ve posted the wrong image, this is the accurate evidence
Having this exact same issue, but can’t reset the instance sometimes.
See the above animated GIF here showing 2 of the exact same instances - both reset to their default values… one with the absolute positioning off (correct), and the other maddeningly just doing it without any sort of clear logic as to why…
I think this is a bug. I have a button component with an icon inside of it. In the main component, the icon is not absolutely positioned. In the nested instance of the button component, the icons for some reason have absolute positioning applied to them. I can’t seem to reset the instance to remove the absolute positioning, either.
@dvaliao could you please look at this one? Thanks.
Hey @Brian_Saunders, thanks for looping me in!
This definitely seems related to a bug that our team is already looking into: Random frames defaulting to Absolute Position when applying Auto-Layout
Are any of you able to share your file with us?
If so, please include a link to your file in this topic thread, and share edit access with, so we can send it over to the team to take a closer look.
I have the same bug on my library. Some designers started to complain that the components from our lib were not build correctly, where the issue was that these components have a layer with an absolute position - even though the main component doesn’t and can’t seem to find why.
As a workaround, I found out that copying an instance from the library file / original component and pasting it in their file will make it work.
But please, Figma, fix this issue asap, before the designers from my team start detaching components to make it work 🙏
Update: doing a bit more digging, I found that my component had an “unpublished” instance swap being used (that I use as a content placeholder, and don’t want designers to use but rather to replace), and this made one of the props of the component showing the “error” icon saying “Has unpublished preferred values”. Fixing this by publishing the instance swap + republishing the component, and then “resetting” the component in the working files seemed to have fixed the issue - although now I have one component in my library that I need to find a better place to put it.