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I want to get a link to a specific Frame.

I put the cursor on a specific Frame and right-click.

The link cannot be obtained because “Copy as link” is not displayed.


To achieve this, you have to:

  1. Select the frame and

  2. Then click the share button in the top right corner.

  3. Be sure to have the checkbox “link to selection” is selected.

  4. You can then select someone to share the link with or click “Copy link”.

I couldn’t do it that way either, because the checkbox was disabled until a few minutes ago, but I just tried again and now I can do it! Thank you very much.

Did something changed? I no longer see that checkbox and also tried using CMD+L while selecting a frame and it just shows the entire canvas.

Hi @Linor_Kirkpatrick1, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I understand your concern regarding modals that may differ from the ones described here.

Upon testing on my end, I noticed that the “link to selection” checkbox isn’t currently available.

However, while you are selecting the frame, you can copy the link from the mShare] button and click cCopy link]. This action will generate a URL that links directly to the currently selected frame.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 15.22.08

For more information, please refer to the Share modal section in this guide: Share files and prototypes

I hope this information proves helpful! Please let our community know if this behavior differs from what is described in our help center article!


For me, that modal doesn’t have the checkbox anymore, and the link you copy there takes you to the highest level frame.

Instead, select the frame you want to link to, then right click > select Copy/Paste as > Copy link to selection.
