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Hi, I have a “button” component as a bar with 2 arrows. When one of the arrows is clicked (think forward/backward), the background of the section changes color and name with smart animate. The main function of the arrows however, is for them to change the horizontally scrollable section of employees. I am aware that there is only one tap option possible. This is on mobile design.

Hi @Filip_Bos, would you mind sharing some of the design so we can better understand the actual/expected behavior(s) please?

Hey, so its like this.

When you click the right arrow on “management” the animation changes it to “design” and changes the color also. What i want to achieve is with the same click, the list (not each worker) of workers to also change. (the workers in the sectors can be horizontally scrolled). I hope this helps calarify the issue.

Figma – 31 Oct 23
