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I simply want to delete the property “Label Size” on all my variants. I could do this by renaming the layers and removing “Label Size=Sm” but I have hundreds of variants and that would take forever… I can’t right click on the property anywhere.

CleanShot 2022-05-31 at 16.47.11

First select the Component Set and then:

Ah! Have to select the set, thanks!!

Hi ! the solution don’t work for me : I select the the component set (“edit_info_layer”) which is composed of two variants with a single property (“SCOPE”). In the Properties parameters panel, no option will pop on a right-click. When hovering the property name, the edition icon is display and it only allows to rename or target the variant with each value.

Capture d’écran 2022-07-21 à 15.33.44

Any clue will be welcome 🙏



What do you want to do?

Delete the property " SCOPE "

It is not possible to create Variants in a Component Set without properties, or delete a single property. If you don’t need properties, then don’t combine components as variants. And if already combined, then:

  1. Select all variants and drag outside the purple border.

Works great and simple as " Bonjour ". Thank you so much 🙏

This is great, but is there a way to do this without losing the component description?

Which layer (object) has a description added to? To a Component Set or Variant within a Component Set?

If to Variant, then the description should remain.

I understand. Unfortunately, the description is added to the component set.

To give you more context, I’m talking about the official Material Design Icons library. I was trying to extract one style but keep the description tags from the component set for better search results.

Thank you for your time!

I can only suggest that you write a script (or find a plugin in the Figma Community with such functionality) that will take the description from the Component Set and apply it to the Variants within it.

I’ll keep digging. Thanks again!

Exactly how I found this thread. I have removed all variants and have “rounded” left and would like to remove “rounded” and leave the icon asset the way it is.

Well, I have no variants, just one element in the component and I click - and nothing happens, it just resets my property to Default… OMFG
