Hi there 👋 I want to clear out my shared files page in Figma. I was given ownership of this file and I have duplicated it into my drafts but when I try to delete the shared file I get this message.
I am also stuck there, I was able to leave some of the files where I was explicitly added, but the files with “anyone with link” permission I am not able to leave them.
Hi. I have the same issue. What’s gonna happen if I delete a file? Will other people lose access to it or not? Or this button delets a file just from my Figma account?
Hey Tessa - in your instance, are you trying to delete the original file that was a shared file? When you say you were given ownership, was it specifically transferred ownership? it may be that you were given shared edit access, and you can’t remove it because it’s technically not your file.
For Swapnil - Did you inherit access to the file? If you have inherited access to the file via a project or team, you need to leave that project or team to remove your access.
For Sergei – are you talking about deleting a file that you own, and have shared access with other people? Deleting a file will remove the file for all collaborators, not just yourself.
I’d recommend everyone take a look at these help pages:
Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? None of the solutions provided seem to work. If someone shares a file with you with the link set to “anyone with the link,” the file will remain in your “Shared files” tab even if you leave the file. Is there any way to remove the file from the “Shared files” tab?
Any word on this?
If someone has shared a file with you, and you’d like to exit the file so it doesn’t appear anywhere without deleting it for yourself or anybody else, this link explains how it’s done: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/4420221688343-Leave-a-file-or-prototype
Basically you right-click on the file and select “Share”. From there, find your name in the list and tap the little drop down menu to the right of it. Choose the “Leave” option, and you’re done!
Here is how it’s done: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/4420221688343-Leave-a-file-or-prototype
Check my comment at the bottom of this thread for a more detailed explanation.
I did the same thing, went into the file and in the ‘share’ tab found myself and clicked ‘leave,’ but the file still remained. Did your file get successfully deleted?
I have the same issue. I have left the files and prototypes but they still appear in my shared files. I am not the owner. How do I get rid of them ?
Hi there! At the moment, there isn’t a way to remove files from your “Shared files” tab, in the “Recents” navigation page, I’m afraid.
However, I can see how what you’re suggesting can be useful for other users and I’ve noted it for our Product team. I can’t guarantee anything on our end, but I can give it some visibility here. Feel also free to vote up the idea requested by others in the community (this will help us to gauge the overall interest in the community, and our Product Managers also check the forums regularly). Thank you! :
I’m also struggling with this!
Hi there!
Indeed, if you use Leave via Share link, the file still remains in Shared files. But you can ask file owner to help you.
The file can be deleted from Shared files if you follow this scheme:
This also won’t work if the Owner just Remove you from list. You need him to change the access settings again and send you the link in a new way.
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