Hello there, I’m a newbie to Figma, only started using it a year ago. Currently I’m working on an app and I need to integrate a pop up button for (show today) when when user scrolls content past (today’s) journal entry.
I also need to incorporate a pop up notification for a daily streak. Any idea how to do this? I’m not familiar with the terminology used for this method. Please help, and thank you! 🙂
Here is the link to the screen: https://www.figma.com/proto/WApIxol2rRIfyrjMHoI0CX/DBT-SKILLS?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=69-1781&viewport=419%2C369%2C0.25&t=eQacJDekJEHDaic8-1&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=69%3A1781&show-proto-sidebar=1&mode=design