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Dear Figma Community,

Could anyone tell me how to download videos that are in a file–analog to downloading/saving any image by right-clicking and “Copy/Paste as” —>”Copy as PNG”? Thanks a lot in advance 🙏

Hi there,

Not at this moment, once a video is added to Figma, it is not possible to export / download it as we don’t currently support .mp4 files as an export option. The available file types for exporting can be found are: .png, .jpg, .svg, .pdf

That said, other have requested something similar here: Export/record prototype to Video or GIFs Feel free to vote up and share your feedback. 🙂

Hey @Celine_Figma Thanks a lot for your answer.

I found a way to do it without a plugin.

  1. Click on the video

  2. Switch to Dev Mode

  3. Under “Asset” the video is listed and can be downloaded

Not as straight forward but easy enough.

Glad to hear you found a fix! 😃

@Pecochan Honestly thank you for this fix it’s soooooo clever and so fast. A MILLION THANK YOUS! 🥰

You’re most welcome ☺️ @Angie_Yuanmalai
