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Our team started using Figma variables in early August 2023 in our main Figma components file. We assigned these variables to our components and rebuilt them to use fewer instances and more advanced properties, such as variant, boolean, instance swap, and text. Though we faced minor issues along the way, they were quickly resolved by the ZeroHeight and Figma support teams.

However, in November, after a few successful months of implementing variables and advanced properties in this file, we noticed that the file stopped updating in zeroheight. We conducted an internal investigation to verify if the Figma file size was the issue, but it wasn’t. Larger files with more frames and layers still load without any problems.

We contacted our zeroheight support representative, who is helping us to solve this problem, but they have not been able to get a response from the Figma support team yet. We are currently in a limbo state and urgently need help to unblock us and potentially many other design teams who are using the new variables feature and may be experiencing the same issue when updating their file.

Sidenote: we looked into the Figma file in zeroheight, and there are a large amount of variables in this file (256) compared to others that aren’t utilizing a full variable library. Not sure if this is related to the issue we’re experiencing, but figured it could be and would be beneficial to include here.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Could you please contact our support team for a more in-depth investigation? You can file a case at this link:

Thanks for your patience.


Thank you, Toku! I will go ahead and post the request for the support team now.

FIgma support asks for you to contact them so thay can help. Then does nothing.

This is standard Figma poor support.

And sadly, Zerheight has deemed Figma variables to be a “bug” and refuses to work to make it connect properly.

Zeroheight was the only tool that I found close to helpful for documentation. They showed their true colors and nothing works.

Google Docs are as good of a solution as Zeroheight now that it does not integrate.
