I don’t know what the cause of this is but some of the object properties in a draft I’m working on have become inactive. Maybe some key on the keyboard got pressed accidentally and cause a change to some setting? Or maybe it came from a plugin I installed that I can not seem to remove now? I actually noticed the problem after using the plugin the first time but I also think I accidentally pressed some keys on the keyboard around that time as well.
I have a component and some instances of it on the page which consists of a frame with a stroke outline and a few text fields inside and each text field is framed as well. I was previously able to select the frame (and text) in the component or instances of the component and move it around to align it properly but suddenly that is not possible and the fields for (x,y) location and size in object properties have become grayed out and inactive.
Does anyone know what might have cause this to happen and how to fix it?