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We are creating a plugin where we want to pull color and text styles from Figma design system in libraries/assets through Figma plugin API. But none of the solutions are working.

Here are the methods that i tried.

  1. I tried using fetch meta styles using Figma API. I added access token and fileId in the headers.

    Here is the URL format i used - ${baseUrl}/v1/files/${fileId}/styles/${styleId}

    I got a cors issue. So added in allowedDomains in manifest.json. But I am getting forbidden error message.

  2. Using the same API method, i tried fetching through teamId and components.

    Here is the URL format I used - ${baseUrl}/v1/teams/${teamId}/components

    But I am still getting forbidden error message.

  3. I tried using this method - getAvailableLibraryVariableCollectionsAsync()

    But I am getting this error - “Property ‘getAvailableLibraryVariableCollectionsAsync’ does not exist on type ‘PluginAPI’”

  4. I tried using this method - getVariablesInLibraryCollectionAsync()

    But I am getting this error - “Property ‘getVariablesInLibraryCollectionAsync’ does not exist on type ‘PluginAPI’”

Can you please help me get through this?

Hi! Figma engineer here.

For issues 1) and 2), it sounds like you’re having some trouble using the REST API. Some things to check:

  • Go to the REST API docs..

  • In the right-hand panel, there’s a tool “Try it out for yourself”. Try making the REST API requests in that tool. Do you get the same error?

  • Double-check the allowed domains syntax. It should look something like

"networkAccess": {
"allowedDomains": m""]

  • Double-check how you’re making the request. You should be able to make a request via the ui.html file and then post the results back to the plugin code.

For issues 3) and 4), double-check how you’re calling the plugin API.

  • The properties getAvailableLibraryVariableCollectionsAsync and getVariablesInLibraryCollectionAsync are under Figma.teamLibrary i.e. you can call Figma.teamLibrary.getAvailableLibraryVariableCollectionsAsync. See plugin docs for reference.
