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I am using an android table to use Figma. Both the actual app and the website run on Chrome won’t give me the option to edit anything. I need to use this app for my class and the time I’ve waisted from trying to figure out what’s wrong is effecting my grade.

Hey Cheyenne, thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately, it’s not currently possible to edit Figma Design files on a tablet. However, you can review designs and give feedback via the app. To edit a file open it by using the browser on your tablet.

Hi @Gayani_S Thanks for the reply to this. Does it work on iPad OS?

When will be possibly see Figma have en editor on Tablet such as iPad OS and Samsung Galaxy Tab OS, if that is a possiblity?

When will this be available it would be such a shame if I need to bring my laptop everytime for minor changes.

As the others mentioned, you can’t edit Figma files on mobile. But you can work with FigJam files on your Tablet using the Figma app. Though, I don’t know whether it’s available for Android OS. On my iPad it works quite well, but not as “smooth” as some other purely iPad-focused apps, but good enough and I love the endless canvas.

yes but the issue is we make social media post on it for the national team so i don’t think that’s something that can be made in FigJam

For the same reason, i am confused between iPad 10th gen and Samsung S9 + One more question, does third party pencil works on Figma on iPad OS ??? Please reply
